Hi friends,
We have had one heck of an adventure this Halloween season! Tom went in for his chemo infusion Friday night. Ok allow me to clarify. We left for the hospital at 10a.m. and Tom got his infusion at 6 p.m.! But he got it! This is amazing (and not for the weak of constitution). First Dr. Kew removes THREE vials of CNS fluid from the middle of Tom's brain. It is clear and happy looking. Then she infuses Ara-C a cloudy chemotherapy agent followed by two vials of saline.
Tom said he could hear the air bubbles in his head.
The procedure went well but Tom reacted poorly. Sweating, dizzy, sick to his stomach. Apparently the body does not like the removal of its central nervous system fluid and replacing it with cell-killing chemicals and salt water.
The man rebounded however and after a few hours he was well enough to go home and we were in time for the last of the trick-or-treaters.
Saturday was a great day with errands and naps and healthy food. Sunday did not go as well. Tom had a delayed reaction to the chemo was knocked on his butt. Pain, nausea, exhaustion...and it lasted into and through Monday.
I feel like we are in a movie on the bad side effects of chemo infusions. Popcorn anyone?
This morning is better. We are both off to work and looking forward to a calm and and sunny Tuesday.
Please keep Tom in your prayers.
Love Theresa