Monday, May 4, 2009

Tom's ashes - Skydiving with Don Strong

When I posted the idea of having Tom's ashes scattered in many places by many people two concerns were raised: One was that I would offend someone, the other was that no one would respond. Both fears were unfounded. There are plans to have Tom all over the country in many cool places. We started last weekend.

My brother Michael and his wife Theresa held a wedding party in Austin that started Friday with skydiving. Tom had jumped out of planes many years ago. Like so many things I have no idea of the details: how old he was, where he jumped, or how many times. But I know he loved it and wanted to do it again.

Within ten minutes of posting the blog my dad emailed asking if Tom could jump with him. My dad had also jumped many years before and loved it.

On a warm evening, with the sun going down, my dad and Tom jumped out of the plane with a terrific tandem instructor. Once the shoot opened my dad released some of Tom and together the instructor and my dad said a prayer.

Tom's little pebbles fluttered to earth alongside one the people that loved Tom the most in the world, and went out of his way to show it. Tom and my dad were a terrific team and it is a glorious start to Tom's return to the earth. Thank you dad.

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