Monday, June 15, 2009

GBM Cause and Effect?

During several summers during his college years, Tom worked on a crew at Arlington Stadium. This picture comes from a photo album published by the stadium in the "high school year book style". He is the one with the really long legs at a "jaunty" angle. Be sure and check out the 1975 outfits and hair cuts!

One day Tom fell out of the back of a slow moving truck landing on the back left side of his head. This resulted in a mild concussion and in a way I do not understand, ended up with Tom losing his sense of smell. He was back at work the next day, probably wearing even cleaner white pants and a wide belt.

The reason this is interesting is that there is a growing school of thought that believes many types of cancer, in particular brain cancer, is the result of direct impact or "location-specific assault". There are several small studies linking this cause and effect.

Tom's GBM first presented in a golf ball-sized tumor in the back left side of his brain.

1 comment:

Rusty Hann said...

When Tom and I were roommates at NT, this little incident provided an unanticipated benefit. Tom would do all the unpleasant cleaning (and Lord knows college kids can make it) because he wouldn't suffer any from smelling odorous cleaning fluids. Lots of Love, Tom.