Monday, August 17, 2009

Class Paper - Life Viewed From the Golf Course

Tom loved golfing.
He never did it enough, but put him on a driving range, putting green, or a beautiful course and he was so very happy. The picture above is of Tom playing St. Andrews in Scotland. He played with his buddy, Gary while I took pictures, looked for abandoned balls and ate oranges. It was a magical day.

In going through Tom's files I happened upon this paper he was writing for his Urantia class. It was not finished but gives such insight into Tom that it so deserves to be read. Here we go:

Life as viewed from The number 7 tee box of the Olmos Basin Golf course.

I had the rare opportunity of being introduced to golf at an early age. My father brought home a couple of sawed –off 7-irons for my brother and myself one evening after work, and that was pretty much the beginning of the end for the back yard. I had no idea at the time how that single event would provide a window to the world, to myself, and to many of the lessons of life.

Looking back on it now, it never ceases to amaze me how God provides the things that we need when we need them, even though we don’t realize at the time that we do need them. There was a driving range not far from the house, and soon after we started to accompanying Dad to the driving range, the owner installed a nine-hole par 3 course. Not a better training ground for a couple of fledgling Arnies or Jacks could be found. This was the beginning of a journey into exploration of life, as well as the perfect swing. I might add that the perfect swing remains elusive, as does the perfect understanding of life, but the journey has been excellent!

While the number of stories and lessons learned could fill volumes, I’ll try to condense some of the lessons learned here, hoping that you enjoy hearing them as much as I enjoy learning them.

Lesson 1 – Equipment

I had been attending the Saturday morning golf lessons for a while and

He was amazing. His memories still are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gary has great memories of playing with Tom. I was so jealous when you guys got to go to Scotland and at that time I had to stay home with the kids. Playing St. Andrews is certainly a fond memory.

Gary loved to play golf with the boys while they were growing up... he hasn't played much since Philip's death.

I know Gary sure misses Tom.

Jeanne H.