Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tom the Minister

As a few of you knew, and many more learned at Tom's service, Tom was a minister.

Now, I preface everything I am about to write with this: I really don't understand at a deep level what Tom believed. I encourage anyone reading this to correct me so I can accurately try and explain Tom's beliefs.

Tom studied with the The Michaels Foundation ever since I knew him and for decades before that. He was in a phone class every possible Monday night, and spent hours studying and writing about what he learned. Tom went to the annual conferences as a speaker and a student.

Tom was a Christian and spent his life advocating love and peace. He did not believe in death but in the transcendence to another level. Then the concepts get hard.

Tom would try and teach me. He would read to me cool passage from The Urantia Book or discuss thoughts Jean (his teacher and mentor) shared. But he might as well have been talking rocket science or Greek. I flat did not get it. But Tom loved the friends and people in the group, and clearly living the belief system made him one fine guy.

In trying to learn more about the doctrine I went to the Michaels Foundation website and am embarrassed to say that after reading and reading it is still outside my grasp. I do however, see some core concepts that helped make Tom what he was.

The Michaels Foundation Inc., a non-profit organization, is dedicated to the dissemination and teaching of the highest Truth available here and the highest Goals available to humanity on our planet — to foster peace and brotherhood. Since we cannot get off this world permanently in this life — we must change it and make it safe for humanity and for our children's future. Universal truth is for everyone!

Our perception is that one person cannot make a difference, but if you are good, you are great! Reaching for a goal that touches all around you with stability, sincerity and love will change far more than you realize! Our perception of what is real, what is possible, and what is attainable is critical to our comfort and peace of mind. Our perceptions, not facts, shape our lives, our environment, and our future.

Clearly Tom lived this belief as his life and death have made changes in the world view and experience of so many people. Check out to learn more.

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