Monday, April 13, 2009

Saving Stuff and Tom in High School

A few posts ago I gave suggestions on how to prepare your paperwork to make it easier for your mate, kid, or family member to manage if you got sick or died. Here is my next suggestion: get rid of your junk.

Being a pack rat is cute and people that are such tend to blush, shake their head, act coy, and everyone is amused that they amass great amounts of silly things. After all, what harm does it do?

Allow me to tell you. With great love in my heart I have gone through more boxes of stuff and paper than I can count. I have 10 boxes of books and two truckloads of garage sale stuff already done. David has taken another full car load of stuff off to review. Sam Larch helped me go through boxes and boxes of cables. The trash got eighteen boxes already. I have not even started on three closets, two dressers, and two long shelves of clothes.

The three file cabinets have not been touched nor have the two office closets. I will only briefly touch on boxes of software, CDs, mini-discs, DVDs, and photo envelopes that need review.

I don't need help and am limiting myself to 5-10 minutes a day so that I don't end up getting over zealous and throwing out good or important stuff (plus, limiting effort results in job security). But please, don't make someone go through your 1977 tax return and 1980s National Geographic collection just in case there is something real important hidden inside. I have so much to shred that I am considering calling Iron Mountain.

That said I have found some gold. Check out Tom in his high school days.

I love him dearly and wish he was here even with his stuff but I promise, Tom here without his stuff would be even better. Clean out your stuff, but if you must, save your high school yearbooks.

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