Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The "Big Tom" logo

Just last night I got this great drawing of Tom from my brother Tommy. It is now the official "Big Tom" logo.

I also got a great email from my dad.

"Theresa I shared with all who would listen about my standing ovation in Arizona. To me that was one of the most noteworthy events in my life (My dad got an entire crowd on their feet when he finished his first 5k!). Wanna bet that Tom got one upon arriving in heaven?

Think for a moment of the folks he is visiting with. His father, the Beatles, top guitar players, Mother Theresa, his grand parents and on and on. Bet he is playing golf with his dad.

I hate platitudes but he really IS in a better place."

Now I know there are several Beatles that are not yet dead but I got the biggest grin thinking Tom may be up there hanging out with John Lennon. Tom would be so happy and John would be so much better off. Certainly an improvement over some of John's old buddies. Almost makes me think it is ok Tom is gone. But not quite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Don's quote about what Tom is doing in heaven, esp golfing with Dad and Jamming with Lennon. I realized after I did the doodle that I was channeling the iconic sketch of John Lennon that is simple and clean. I pasted the photo of Tom in Africa on my wall directly in my field of vision above the computer monitor and glance at it dozens of times nightly. It struck me deeply and the vision stays with me always.
Thanks Theresa-Bear, we love you.
